Page No: 5687-5695
Solomon Itskovich Khmelnik
Keywords: Quantifying gravity, fiber transforms’ bundle strings, strong and gage velocity, equivalence principle, equidensity matrix, force, stress tensor, string-gravity-fields, discontinuum physics, observable measurement parameters.
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Solomon Itskovich Khmelnik
Keywords: Quantifying gravity, fiber transforms’ bundle strings, strong and gage velocity, equivalence principle, equidensity matrix, force, stress tensor, string-gravity-fields, discontinuum physics, observable measurement parameters.
Abstract: It is pointed out that at present there is no complete theory of the top that answers all questions. This theoretical work provides a complete mathematical description of the top, including equations of top dynamics at any speeds. New wellknown experiments that currently do not have any explanation are considered in details. The resulting equations use the fact disputed by today's science that the Coriolis force and the centrifugal force are real forces that do work. The coincidence of the calculation results and experiments is a proof of this fact.
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