Farhana Ali, Ben HH Shieh, Zeyad Alehaideb, MZ Khan, Alvin Louie, Noor Fageh and Francis CP Law
Keywords: Aquatic biodiversity, pesticides, pyrethroid, cypermethrin, deltamethrin.
Abstract: Pollution in the aquatic ecosystem by pesticides, their metabolites and by-products is considered critical in the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources. Several studies have reported the toxicological issues and adverse effects of pesticides in aquatic biodiversity. After the development of the field ecotoxicology, researchers have expanded their studies towards the effects of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems. Pesticides containing chemicals such as Pyrethroids, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, cyphenothrin and other related compounds have been shown to cause adverse effects on the development, behaviour and mortality of different species of fish, birds, amphibians and aquatic mammals. This review article summarizes the adverse impact of the use of pesticides and related agrochemicals in populations of aquatic, amphibian and avian species.
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