Uzma Manzoor, Amtyaz Safi, M. Usman Ali Hashmi, Nasim Samreen, Ponum Nisar, Tanveer Jabeen and Erum Manzoor

Keywords: Coast, marine turtle, nesting, distribution, status

Abstract: Globally, population of marine turtles has been affecting due to an array of some natural and anthropogenic threats. Seven marine turtle species viz. Hawksbill, Olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Flatback and Green turtle have been distributed throughout the world. Six species spend life in Indian Ocean South East Asian region except Kemp’s ridley, found in Gulf of Mexico. Nesting of Olive ridley is largely reported in mainland of Indian coastal areas, while Hawksbill in Iran; Islands of Persian Gulf and Oman coast. Pakistan coast provides nesting sites to Green turtle, however Hawksbill and Olive ridley have not been reported since 2003 and 2004 respectively. Loggerhead and Leatherback were reported by fishermen in rookeries but further study is required to identify these species in Pakistan. Currently, Olive ridley nesting is not reported in Karachi coast. Bycatch and gill netting are common threats to marine turtles. Disturbance due to tourism is another issue needs to be addressed. Habitat alteration, harvesting of eggs, pollution, development and anthropogenic activities cause non-nesting behaviour in some marine turtle species previously reported for nesting. Climate change impact on nesting is not drastic but sex ratio is affected. National and international laws have been playing significant role for the conservation of marine turtle species. Research studies about marine turtle has relatively been advanced in Thailand, India, Malaysia and Sultanate of Oman among Asian countries, meanwhile regular monitoring program to provide accurate population trends throughout nesting points but has not been conducted in many countries. IUCN and WWF have also been playing important role in conservation of marine turtles in our region

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